Building Beautiful Wardrobes That Make You Shine

Why Editing Your Closet Feels Impossible (& How to Change That!)

overwhelmed woman in front of messy, disorganized closet holds hand to forehead

Does your closet feel like a tangled mess of clothes that you barely wear? You’re not the only one. Many women feel stuck with wardrobes that no longer reflect who they are or suit their current lifestyles. You need to edit your closet so it starts to work for who and where you are now. It’s a crucial step to transforming your wardrobe and it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. I’ll show you the four biggest barriers standing in your way—and deliver a way to conquer each of them with confidence!

disengaged woman side eyes sparkly skirt on top of pile of clothes while editing closet

1. You Don’t Know Your Signature Style

Without a clear understanding of your Signature Style, deciding what stays and what goes feels impossible. You’ll find yourself holding onto pieces that don’t serve you simply because you’re unsure what does. Your Signature Style easily reveals which clothing and accessories:

  • consistently flatter your shape
  • authentically reflect your personality
  • and blend seamlessly into the rest of your wardrobe

It’s the foundation on which you make all your editing and shopping choices, so it’s your first step to transforming your wardrobe. My Master Class How to Discover Your Signature Style (And Gain The Confidence to Wear It!) guides you step-by-step through discovering your personal style identity, giving you the clarity you need to make confident decisions about your wardrobe.

Every wardrobe decision is based on your Signature Style. Find Yours with Master Class One. Click here to learn more.


puzzled woman doing a closet edit leans on clothes rack surrounded by clothes

2. You’re Not Sure Where to Begin

Staring at an overflowing closet can feel paralyzing. Each piece needs to be evaluated, so you definitely need a system that helps you move forward with purpose and clarity. First, begin by categorizing your clothing into sections—tops, bottoms, outerwear, etc.. Tackle one category at a time, removing it from the closet onto an open workspace like a bed or a rolling rack. Next, evaluate each item, then determine whether it’s to be kept, altered, donated, or trashed. Finally, organize and return the things you’re keeping to your closet, then move on to the next category.

a woman doing a closet edit is holding up a top in front of her over a bed full of clothes

When you know your signature style and understand how clothes should fit your particular shape, much of what you already own will find its way back to your closet. In my Master Class The Right Way to Edit Your Closet (A Stylist’s Step-by-Step Guide to a Streamlined Wardrobe), I teach you about proper fit and how the magic of alterations can breathe new life into what you already own. Best of all, I provide you with a system including a foolproof flow chart that quickly guides you through confidently deciding what stays and what goes!

Turn Your Closet Full of Clothes Into a Closet Full of Outfits! with Master Class Two

woman with threatening look on her face grabs and protects her favorite hanging clothes

3. You Have Too Many Emotional Attachments to Your Wardrobe

We all have clothes tied to memories, aspirations, or guilt (yes, those unworn impulse buys). Letting go feels like letting go of a piece of ourselves. But your closet should be a treasure chest full of things that make you happy. There’s no room for things that no longer fit or make you feel anything but confident. There are certainly going to be things you can’t part with or stand the thought of anyone else owning. So put those with “the jeans you need to keep because someday they might fit again” somewhere else. They don’t get to take up any of the precious real estate in your closet!

frustrated and overwhelmed woman sits amongst piles of clothes with hands on her head

4. It’s Too Overwhelming a Task

Between busy schedules and everyday responsibilities, dedicating time to a full closet edit can feel impossible.  Try to break it into bite-sized tasks you can complete in short bursts—like setting a 15-minute timer to declutter one drawer or choosing five items to evaluate each day. You could tackle a couple clothing categories a day, or do all your clothing one day and your accessories another. The key is to have a system that breaks it down into manageable steps. When you know your Signature Style, understand a proper fit, and have a foolproof evaluation system like the one provided in Master Class Two, your closet edit becomes simple, approachable, and even enjoyable. 

Images of women editing their closets, organizing and matching clothes with accessories next to the Master Class image entitled The Right Way To Edit Your Closet (A Stylist's Step-by-Step Guide to a Streamlined Wardrobe)

Ready to Clear the Clutter and Energize Your Wardrobe?

Imagine opening your closet and seeing only clothes and accessories you love—pieces that fit, flatter, and feel like youThe Right Way to Edit Your Closet (A Stylist’s Step-by-Step Guide to a Streamlined Wardrobe) is your solution to conquering overwhelm and getting a crucial step closer to a wardrobe that makes you shine. Enroll today and start transforming your closet.

Until then,



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